카테고리 없음 / / 2018. 7. 11. 17:24

[아이허브 그린푸드 슈퍼푸드] Eclectic Institute, 브로콜리 스프라우츠, 270 밀리그램, 150 베지캡 정보와 후기들 모음


제품명:Eclectic Institute, 브로콜리 스프라우츠, 270 밀리그램, 150 베지캡

제품 가격:₩46,782(환율 및 할인이벤트 등에 따라 변동됩니다 확인하세요)

★[클릭시이동] 제품 구매하러 가기(전체 주문금액 5% 할인 자동적용)★

제품 설명

  • 1982 년부터
  • 로우 (날것) 신선한 동결-건조
  • 건강보조식품
  • 유전자조작하지 않은 베지캡
  • 100% 코셔
  • 유전자조작하지 않음
  • 곡물/콩/유제품-없음
  • 미국에서 재배
  • 날것, 엄격한 채식주의자
  • 전체 허브
  • 필러 없음

동결-건조로 인해 농축된 16 X

동결-건조 방법은 오직 수분만을 부드럽게 제거함으로써 식물의 영양소를 자연상태에서 발견되는 같은 균형을 유지합니다. 농장에서 병 까지 우리는 자연 요법의 슬기와 혁신적인 공정을 활용해 띄어난 제품을 만들어 냅니다. 우리는 허브를 유기적으로 재배하고 최대 효능을 가진 상태에서 지속가능하게 수확하며 사내에서 동결건조시킵니다. 편리한 캡슐 형태로 귀하의 정원에서 갓 따낸 허브와 매우 근사합니다. 아무 것도 추가된 것이 없고 추출물이 없습니다 – 단순하게 전체 허브입니다.

제품 성분표

보충 교재 사실
1 회 제공량 ​​: 2 캡슐
컨테이너 당 게재 횟수 : 75
게재 당 금액 매일 가치 %
유기 동결 건조 브로콜리 콩나물 (Brassica oleracea) 540 mg *
* 일일 값이 설정되지 않았습니다.

제품 사용법

잘 흔드세요: 15-30 방울을 물에 혼합하세요; 하루에 1-3 번 섭취하세요.

제품에 포함된 다른 성분들

Hypromellose (캡슐).

제품 후기들(외국인후기만 있을수 있으니 구글번역 쓰세요)

1번째 후기★★★★★
better product than Jarrow BroccoMax et al
There was a study performed using Jarrow's BroccoMax product evaluating whether Broccoli supplements achieve plasma and urine levels of Sulforaphane, the supposedly beneficial compound in cruciferous veges.
The study concluded that BroccoMax is useless. The study which identified that the ingredient in BroccoMax is useless was reported in ScienceDaily on Jan 31, 2011. The following paragraph cystalises the crux of the issue: "Broccoli, prepared correctly, is an extremely potent cancer-fighting agent -- three to five servings a week are enough to have an effect. To get broccoli's benefits, though, the enzyme myrosinase has to be present; if it's not there, sulforaphane, broccoli's cancer-preventive and anti-inflammatory component, doesn't form," said Elizabeth Jeffery, a U of I professor of nutrition." The BroccoMax label advertises "Sulforaphane", but not "Myrosinase" which accoring to the science is crucial to "Sulforaphane" activity. But what do I know, since I'm just a dumb consumer. So I wrote to Jarrow asking about the Myrosinase content in BroccoMax. No reply. I wrote again. No reply. So I sent another email from another email address about a different subject. They replied same day. So I sent the original email questioning Myrosinase from the other email address they had just replied to. No reply. Obviously nothing was wrong with my original email address. This continued for 5 emails. They did not reply to one of them. So I called them. Put on hold. After hold was told that someone would call me back. No return call (of course). Do you ever wonder if supplments are just something devised by supplement companies as a means of making money, and in fact 99% are completely worthless junk which have no real benefit? After all, isn't this the pillar of Capitalism?.. peddling worthless junk which has no real use or benefit at absorbitant prices to gullible feeble human beings who have an innate compulsion to 'live in hope'? So, no more purchasing Jarrow products. **I did further product research and found that iHerb now stock an Eclectic Institute Whole Broccoli Sprouts product. All the research indicates that Sprouts are always more nutritionally dense than the whole plant. In terms of "gut feel", active compounds in isolation just don't sit right. Nutrition and health is about balance. Just consider all the adverse press concerning Alpha Tocopherol Vitamin E in isolation which was all the rage as a supplement throughout the 90's and 00's, though which is now considered to do more harm than good, due to displacing Gamma Tocopherol. Therefore I like the Eclectic product because it is a concentrated "Whole Food", which will inherently contain all the co-factor compounds naturally present. I wrote to Eclectic about the possibility of destroying the Myrosinase content in the course of their production process. Their reply: "According to scientific evaluations of broccoli constituents, myrosinase does not seem to break down until it reaches temperatures of 60 degrees Celsius; our freeze-dry process does not expose the broccoli sprouts to temperatures anywhere near as high as 60C."

2번째 후기★★★★★
Eyes shining!
I have been using this product for about 3 months and my murky green eyes have now become crystal clear with the outside part of my iris now a blue and the inner colour now a light green. I put it down to this product! I am so impressed with Broccoli Sprouts from the Eclectic Institute. So, if my eyes have become so clear, it surely is doing the rest of me good. Could not recommend this product highly enough!!

3번째 후기★★★★★
Данную баночку брал на замену различным экстрактам брокколи и индолу/ДИМ, которые плохо переносил из-за побочек. Эта брокколи прошла нормально в небольших дозировках - по одной 3 раза в день. Цель приёма - поддержка печени (этап 2 детоксикации), борьба с воспалением в организме (наряду с куркумином, мсм и многими другими добавками), профилактика повышения уровня "плохих" метаболитов эстрогена на фоне приёма прогормонов. Таким образом я держал брокколи в различных формах в своей программе месяцев 5-6. В ближайшее время без необходимости брать не планирую - уж больно они тяжело мне даются. В брокколи также много витаминов группы К, способствующих "загущению" крови. Сейчас для профилактики использую хризин в качестве ингибитора фермента 5-альфа-редуктазы. В общем без брокколи современная натуропатия не может обходиться, но подходит она не всем!

4번째 후기★★★★★
Whole Broccoli Sprouts, Better Than Extracts!
Great whole sprout supplement, I take this instead of sulforaphane only extracts as you also get important enzymes like myrosinase as well as many other glucosinolates & isothiocyanates. Freeze drying as Eclectic does keeps all these components alive.

5번째 후기★★★★★
Research says you need the whole sprout
Google for more info, but the whole sprout is very important. Only Eclectic seems to offer this.

6번째 후기★★★★★
Very good and pure!!
This is exactly what i've been looiking for, broccoli sprouts, without any added unnecesary elements, easy to take, no stomack-upset, and i do belive in Eclectic institute products. Will order again

7번째 후기★★★★★
Superfood, potent.
Superfood, of course. These are very potent and worth the money. Small easy to swallow capsules. Perhaps you have done some research about your health and been led here. The evidence in broccoli sprouts is real not brand hyped so If you have a condition where these may benefit or simply want to maintain health then I highly recommend!

8번째 후기★★★★
◆ブロッコリー・スプラウト・・・ファイトケミカルの1種・スルフォラファンを高濃度で含む、ブロッコリーの新芽。栄養豊富な種が発芽する事により、酵素と更に多くの栄養素を獲得した状態。スルフォラファンはブロッコリーの新芽に一番多く、中でも発芽3日目にスルフォラファンの量がピークに。その量は、成長したブロッコリーの10倍~20倍。ベータカロチン、ビタミン、ミネラル、カテキン、食物繊維も豊富。スルフォラファンの作用は後述の通り。 ~*~*~*~*~*~*~*~*~*~*~*~*~*~*~*~*~*~*~*~*~*~*~*~*~*~ ◇「解毒作用(ガン予防)」・・・ガンの原因となる発ガン物質や活性酸素を解毒し、体外に排出する働きを持つ解毒酵素の、生成スイッチを入れる働きを持つ。また、アポトーシス(ガン細胞を自滅させる働き)があり、ガンの予防だけでなく、初期のガンにも有効である事が近年判明。 また、スルフォラファンが解毒酵素を活性化する事で、肝臓の解毒力を高め(解毒作用)、肝機能の向上(肝障害抑制など)に寄与すると云う研究結果もある。スルフォラファンの肝臓・解毒作用促進効果は、ウコンに含まれるクルクミンの約25倍。 ◇「抗酸化作用」・・・スルフォラファンの抗酸化作用は、ビタミンCやビタミンEといった代表的な抗酸化物質とは異なり、熱に強く、長時間作用し続ける特徴を持つ。ビタミンCが摂取後数時間でその効果を失うのに対し、スルフォラファンの効果は約3日間持続する事が出来る。これは、スルフォラファンの抗酸化作用が抗酸化酵素によるものであり、スルフォラファンがこの抗酸化酵素の生成を促す間接的な働きをする為。 ◇「新陳代謝アップ」・・・毒物などを細胞外に排出して、細胞を内的・外的な環境の変化から守る役割を果たしているのは、グルタチオンと云う細胞内の抗酸化成分。スルフォラファンは、そのグルタチオンの生成を促す作用がある。グルタチオンは、体内毒素の解毒(デトックス作用)、抗酸化作用により活性酸素を無害化、細胞分裂を活性化、新陳代謝の促進等を行う。 ◇「ピロリ菌殺菌」・・・スルフォラファンには胃ガンの原因の1つと言われているピロリ菌(ヘリコバクター・ピロリ)の殺菌効果が報告されている。ある臨床データによると、胃炎や胃潰瘍、十二指腸潰瘍の患者から摂取した48株のピロリ菌全てに対して、スルフォラファンは制菌・殺菌効果を表し、抗生物質の耐性を持った菌株でも殺菌効果が見られた。 ~*~*~*~*~*~*~*~*~*~*~*~*~*~*~*~*~*~*~*~*~*~*~*~*~*~ 昨年、副腎機能低下症候群を発症し、副腎疲労外来のあるクリニックでの受診・検査を経て、現在も療養中。 副腎疲労を起こした原因は、長年に渡る有害重金属(複数)の蓄積と、過去に治療した歯根の感染症。 副腎疲労患者の施術・臨床数が豊富な歯科への通院、副腎や関連臓器の回復促進&蓄積した重金属のデトックス&腸内環境の改善&ホルモン調整等のサプリメントと併用で、慢性的な炎症傾向にある肝臓を回復させる為、こちらを購入。
こちらの前はSeagateの Broccoli Sproutsを購入したのだけど、妙な発酵臭が気になるのとコスパの問題で、こちらに乗り換えた。
SeagateのBroccoli Sproutsの時は1日1回、こちらに替えてからは1日2回で、服用を開始して現在1ヶ月経過。

9번째 후기★★★★★
Отлично поддерживает организм. В составе ничего лишнего. Единственный минус - высокая цена.

10번째 후기★★★
Not sure if this has brocoli sprouts or what
Inside the capsules it looks red, and it doesn't smell like brocoli or brocoli sprouts. Don't think I will buy again

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