제품명:Bluebonnet Nutrition, 비타민 D3, 2,000 IU, 250 소프트젤
제품 가격:₩19,117(환율 및 할인이벤트 등에 따라 변동됩니다 확인하세요)
★[클릭시이동] 제품 구매하러 가기(전체 주문금액 5% 할인 자동적용)★
제품 설명
- 유전자 조작 원료 무첨가
- 천연 피쉬 오일
- 식이보조제
- 글루텐 없음
Bluebonnet의 비타민 D3 2000 IU 소프트젤은 심해, 냉수, 비 GMO 홍화유를 기반으로 하는 피쉬 오일을 분자 증류된 비타민 D3(콜레칼시페롤)를 제공합니다. 최대 흡수와 통합을 위해 새롭고 더 쉽게 삼킬 수 있는 소프트젤로 사용 가능합니다.
제품 성분표
성분 함량표 | ||
1 회 제공량 : 1 Softgel | ||
서빙 당 금액 | 매일 가치 % | |
비타민 D3 (물고기 간유에서 콜레 칼시 페롤로) | 2000 IU | 500 |
Daily value : 2,000 칼로리 (열량) 다이어트 기준. |
제품 사용법
식이보조제로써, 하루에 1알 복용하거나 전문의의 지시에 따라 복용하십시오.
제품에 포함된 다른 성분들
젤라틴, 잇꽃 기름, 글리세린, 정제수.
내용 : 물고기 (대구).
우유, 계란, 갑각류 조개류, 나무 견과류, 땅콩, 밀, 대두가 없습니다.
또한 옥수수, 효모, 글루텐, 보리, 쌀, 나트륨 및 설탕이 없습니다.
제품 후기들(외국인후기만 있을수 있으니 구글번역 쓰세요)
1번째 후기★★★★★
Great D
I am allergic to sheep's wool, which most D3 is derived from and cannot tolerate the brands made from it. I break out in a rash.
So far this is my first purchase of the fish oil D and I seem to be able to tolerate it much better.
Great D
I am allergic to sheep's wool, which most D3 is derived from and cannot tolerate the brands made from it. I break out in a rash.
So far this is my first purchase of the fish oil D and I seem to be able to tolerate it much better.
2번째 후기★★★★★
Only D3 I found without lanolin
I find this D3 to be perfect for me. The D3 from lanolin sources made
my skin itchy. Bluebonnet doesn't do that. I'm pleased to have found
a lanolin free D3. I absolutely will purchase this product again and have shared the information about this product with many people who have had lanolin sensitivities to other D3 brands.
Only D3 I found without lanolin
I find this D3 to be perfect for me. The D3 from lanolin sources made
my skin itchy. Bluebonnet doesn't do that. I'm pleased to have found
a lanolin free D3. I absolutely will purchase this product again and have shared the information about this product with many people who have had lanolin sensitivities to other D3 brands.
3번째 후기★★★★★
Great Product, Great Customer Service
I live in the Pacific Northwest and the dark, dreary winters have really taken their toll on me in the past. I was researching what I could do about it and learned about vitamin D deficiency and its effects. I thought why not supplement with Vitamin D and see what happens. I read that Vitamin D3 Cholecalciferol was most efficacious for supplementation so I ordered Bluebonnet's product and have been exceptionally well pleased. This is the second winter that I have taken it and I've noticed a tremendous difference in my outlook. I would recommend this for anyone living in a northern climate.
Also, last winter iHerb shipped me a bottle that was damaged during shipment. They replaced the product at no charge. I highly recommend doing business with them.
Great Product, Great Customer Service
I live in the Pacific Northwest and the dark, dreary winters have really taken their toll on me in the past. I was researching what I could do about it and learned about vitamin D deficiency and its effects. I thought why not supplement with Vitamin D and see what happens. I read that Vitamin D3 Cholecalciferol was most efficacious for supplementation so I ordered Bluebonnet's product and have been exceptionally well pleased. This is the second winter that I have taken it and I've noticed a tremendous difference in my outlook. I would recommend this for anyone living in a northern climate.
Also, last winter iHerb shipped me a bottle that was damaged during shipment. They replaced the product at no charge. I highly recommend doing business with them.
4번째 후기★★★★★
This is the only D that I've found that's derived from fish oil.
This is the only D that I've found that's derived from fish oil.
5번째 후기★★★★★
Принимала во время беременности и принимаю как кормящая
Последние данные подтверждают, что низкий уровень материнского витамина D состояние связано с повышенным риском неблагоприятных беременность исходы. Интервенционные исследования показывают, что витамин D добавки во время беременности оптимизирует материнской и младенческой витамин D статус.
Принимаю по одной капсуле в день вдобавок к рыбьему жиру, содержащему натуральный витамин Д. Заходите на мою страницу, узнайте о полезных продуктах!!!
Принимала во время беременности и принимаю как кормящая
Последние данные подтверждают, что низкий уровень материнского витамина D состояние связано с повышенным риском неблагоприятных беременность исходы. Интервенционные исследования показывают, что витамин D добавки во время беременности оптимизирует материнской и младенческой витамин D статус.
Принимаю по одной капсуле в день вдобавок к рыбьему жиру, содержащему натуральный витамин Д. Заходите на мою страницу, узнайте о полезных продуктах!!!
6번째 후기★★★★★
Bluebonnet Nutrition, Vitamin D3
Excellent product and price
Bluebonnet Nutrition, Vitamin D3
Excellent product and price
7번째 후기★★★★★
Отличный продукт -по доступной цене! Мы зовем его солнышко которое есть с нами каждый день не смотря на погоду. Витамин Д3- необходимая дозировка 2000единиц ежедневно и тогда ваш организм скажет вам спасибо .Хочу напомнить что нехватка витамина д3 ведет к сбою в работе организма -поэтому рекомендую этот продукт всем кто заботиться о своем здоровье .
Отличный продукт -по доступной цене! Мы зовем его солнышко которое есть с нами каждый день не смотря на погоду. Витамин Д3- необходимая дозировка 2000единиц ежедневно и тогда ваш организм скажет вам спасибо .Хочу напомнить что нехватка витамина д3 ведет к сбою в работе организма -поэтому рекомендую этот продукт всем кто заботиться о своем здоровье .
8번째 후기★★★★★
very satisfied with product.
I take vitamin D3 every day and like these because they are natural and reasonably priced.
very satisfied with product.
I take vitamin D3 every day and like these because they are natural and reasonably priced.
9번째 후기★★★★★
helps calcium absorption
Best way to make the most of the calcium intake. I dont always have the time to spend out in the sun.
helps calcium absorption
Best way to make the most of the calcium intake. I dont always have the time to spend out in the sun.
10번째 후기★★★★★
Good Product
Helps to enhance mood.
추가 후기는 아래 링크를 통해 볼 수 있습니다Good Product
Helps to enhance mood.
아이허브 제품 구매 링크
★[클릭시이동] 제품 구매하러 가기(전체 주문금액 5% 할인 자동적용)★건강보조제품 직구사이트인 아이허브를
처음 이용하시는 분들을 위해
아래 아이허브 가입/주문/결제를 설명하는
포스트 링크를 안내해 드립니다.
해당 포스트를 참고시면 도움이 됩니다
[링크-클릭시이동] [건강식품 직구] 아이허브 가입과 주문방법, 결제방법
처음 이용하시는 분들을 위해
아래 아이허브 가입/주문/결제를 설명하는
포스트 링크를 안내해 드립니다.
해당 포스트를 참고시면 도움이 됩니다
[링크-클릭시이동] [건강식품 직구] 아이허브 가입과 주문방법, 결제방법