제품명:Philips Avent, Orthodontic Glow in the Dark Nighttime Pacifier, 0-6 Months, 2 Pack
제품 가격:₩6,968(환율 및 할인이벤트 등에 따라 변동됩니다 확인하세요)
★[클릭시이동] 제품 구매하러 가기(전체 주문금액 5% 할인 자동적용)★
제품 설명
- Designed for Natural Oral Development
- East to Find at Night in the Crib
- Orthodontic Glow in the Dark
- BPA Free
- Designed for Natural Suckling
- Step 1 Nurture 0-6 M
- Snap on Hygienic Cap
- Instructions Enclosed
- Conforms to US CPSC Standards
- Replace After 1 Month
- Silicone
Contains: 2 Orthodontic Pacifiers - Night Time
제품 성분표
None제품 사용법
Please check the nipple before use by pulling. Throw away at the first signs of damage or weakness. For safety and hygiene replace the pacifier after 4 weeks of use.
Do not tie pacifier around child's neck as it presents a strangulation danger.
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